First Amendment and Discrimination Harassment Training

This course tackles two key concerns that have the potential to affect local government operations adversely. First Amendment Audit training equips local government employees with the knowledge and awareness necessary to navigate citizens' First Amendment rights when interacting with that local government. Participants will have a broader understanding of who auditors are and how local governments and their employees can prepare for and handle this type of audit. Discrimination-Harassment training focuses on fostering an understanding of recognizing and appropriately responding to discriminatory or harassing behaviors, should they arise within local government. By covering these two critical subjects, this course empowers participants with the skills and confidence needed to effectively address and manage these potentially harmful issues within the workplace. This class is not eligible for Harold Holtz Municipal Training Credits.
5/7/2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
CE Weir Center 307 E. Bryan Street Douglas, GA 31533 UNITED STATES
Registration is closed. Please contact Terrell Jacobs at [email protected]
Event Contact
Mr. Terrell Jacobs - Phone: (404) 295-6247

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